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Blackburn Knife Bin

New Knife Bin Installed in Blackburn Following Success Across Lancashire

A new knife surrender bin has been installed in Blackburn, building on the success of similar bins across the county. Located outside Ladbrokes on Railway Road, the bin provides a safe and anonymous way for people to dispose of knives and other weapons.

Managed by the Lancashire Violence Reduction Network and supported by Lancashire Police, these bins have already seen thousands of knives handed in each year. Weapons deposited are collected and safely destroyed by police, preventing them from being used in crime.

Sergeant Michael Johnson, from Lancashire’s Violence Reduction Network, said: “Knife crime is a national issue, but it is important to stress that Blackburn, like the rest of Lancashire, remains a safe place to live and work. These knife bins are a simple but effective way to remove dangerous weapons from our streets and prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. Every knife surrendered is potentially a life saved.”

The installation of this new bin follows the positive impact of others across the county. The Lancashire VRN has also created an interactive map showing all knife bin locations, making it easier for people to find their nearest site and dispose of weapons responsibly.

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