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New workshop dates announced for Trauma Informed Lancashire

**Update: Please see new

Trauma Informed Lancashire workshops

page for workshop information and bookings.**


Due to popular demand we have confirmed a series of new dates for Trauma Informed Lancashire workshops.

Please see details below:

Becoming Trauma Informed Lancashire:

Workshops and train the trainer events for Pan-Lancashire Multi-Agency Partnership 2021

Trauma is recognised as a profound and global public health crisis.

The pervasive and harmful impact of traumatic experiences on individuals, families, and communities and the inadvertent but widespread re-traumatisation of children and adults within the system has made it essential to rethink ‘how we do business’. As front-line practitioners and professionals working across the wider system, we have a responsibility to act on this.

A tendency to focus on the presenting symptoms such as violence or substance ‘abuse’ has led to huge human and economic costs to society. Now, more than ever, there is a need to tackle the impact of trauma and focus on how public systems can support people in preventing and recovering from traumatic events. Only by working together, across systems and with communities, will we reduce the complex and interconnected social determinants and inequalities which drive trauma.

The senior leaders of organisations across the Pan-Lancashire footprint have already committed to a pledge of investing in the development of Trauma Informed Lancashire. This encompasses the collective practice of understanding human experiences of the children, families and communities of Lancashire, responding to such experiences and addressing the causes of the causes rather than just the presenting behaviours.

Lancashire Violence Reduction Network’s ‘Becoming a Trauma Informed Lancashire’ workshops aim to cultivate collective, cross-sector learning to support the ongoing development of trauma informed services.

Trauma informed workshops are being rolled out across the Pan-Lancashire footprint from August 2021. These are being offered to CSC, health, education, probation and police alongside non-statutory organisations. The workshops support the collective goal of a system wide approach that is aimed at examining new ways of identifying adults who have experienced multiple childhood traumas and putting support in much earlier with the right families with the aim of preventing the negative cycle of intergenerational problems.

The LVRN offer for Lancashire:

Multi-agency partnership leaders and managers workshop

The idea behind this session is for middle to senior leaders to attend and understand trauma informed workforce and organisational development and then decide on their own organisational training requirements.

Multi-agency practitioners ‘Train the Trainer’ workshop

The idea behind this session is for nominated trainers from multi-agency organisations to be trained in the trauma informed product and then return to their organisation and train their own trainers as per their own organisational and workforce needs.

Click the link to book your place: e-Training – Course Booking (

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