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Funding opportunity

Funding opportunity: Trauma Informed Lancashire Community Development Programme

**The deadline for applications has now passed.**

The Lancashire Violence Reduction Network (LVRN), on behalf of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire, is looking to appoint a Lancashire based not-for-profit organisation to provide a worker(s) or build upon an established team or workstream, to deliver the Trauma Informed Lancashire Community Development Programme in partnership with the LVRN.


Trauma is recognised as a profound, global, public health burden. The pervasive and harmful impact of traumatic experiences on individuals, families and communities, and the inadvertent but widespread re-traumatisation of children and adults within existing services and systems, has made it essential to rethink ‘how we do business’.

Although many people who experience trauma will progress in life without any long-term negative impacts, far too many others will experience more profound difficulties and traumatic stress reactions. Over the years, a tendency to focus on the presenting symptoms (e.g. violence or substance ‘abuse’), at the expense of addressing underlying issues, has led to huge human and economic costs to society.

Now more than ever, there is an urgent need to tackle the impact of trauma and focus on how public systems and communities can support people to prevent, as well as recover from traumatic events. Only by working together, across systems and with our communities, will we reduce the complex and interconnected social determinants and inequalities, which drive trauma. Consequently, in Lancashire – alongside other areas nationally and transnationally – we have become passionate about cultivating collective, cross-sector learning, in order to support the ongoing development of trauma informed services and communities.

The programme

The programme will be delivered between the 1st September 2021 and the 31st March 2022, with the potential for it to be extended beyond 31st March 2022 subject to funding being available.

It is anticipated that the programme will initially be focussed on a small number of early adopter localities within the county (currently 2 or 3 areas) with the expectation that additional locations will be identified to be developed once the programme has started.

The LVRN is looking for a not-for-profit organisation that will identify a member or members of staff specifically to deliver this programme. Staff will be formally employed by the not-for-profit organisation, but the programme management will be from the LVRN trauma informed team.

Whilst the LVRN is open to the work being undertaken on a job-share or part-time arrangement all staff involved in delivering the programme will be expected to undertake a period of training and development with the LVRN trauma training team and will be involved in the development of a community specific trauma informed training package.

A role description for this programme can be found in Appendix A.

The LVRN is particularly keen to hear from not-for-profit organisations who are already undertaking community development and engagement work, and in particular those who can demonstrate that they are already working in a trauma aware or trauma informed manner with communities.

Grant details

The LVRN have allocated a provisional grant of £30,000 for the programme, although additional funding may be available in the event of a not-for-profit organisation being able to identify further suitable communities in which the programme can be delivered beyond those identified by the LVRN.

In line with Home Office requirements all funding must be fully utilised by 31st March 2022 and there is no guarantee at present of any further funding beyond that date.

Applications MUST be submitted on the Commissioning and Grant Agreement 2021/2022 Application Form attached and should be returned by email to:  to arrive no later than 5pm on Tuesday 24th August 2021.

Download Commissioning and Grant Agreement 2021/2022 Application Form

Download Appendix A – Role Description

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